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Acquisition of spare parts for the command control and metering teams of the Kenitra Provincial Directorate == Single Lot == - DR1121154

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This tender with title Acquisition of spare parts for the command control and metering teams of the Kenitra Provincial Directorate == Single Lot == - DR1121154 --

Acquisition des pièces de rechange pour les équipes contrôle commande et comptage de la Direction Provinciale Kenitra == Lot Unique ==
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 10 Jul 2023 for the country of Morocco. It has been categorized on Metering instruments. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Acquisition des pièces de rechange pour les équipes contrôle commande et comptage de la Direction Provinciale Kenitra == Lot Unique ==

General Information

Acquisition of spare parts for the command control and metering teams of the Kenitra Provincial Directorate == Single Lot == - DR1121154
Acquisition des pièces de rechange pour les équipes contrôle commande et comptage de la Direction Provinciale Kenitra == Lot Unique ==
Invitation to Tender
10 Jul 2023
1 Aug 2023
Metering instruments

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