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Open Procedure, divided into 3 Lots, for the supply of light fitted vans, 8/9 seater vehicles, for a total of n. 35 vehicles, including interventions under warranty for 24 months

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This tender with title Open Procedure, divided into 3 Lots, for the supply of light fitted vans, 8/9 seater vehicles, for a total of n. 35 vehicles, including interventions under warranty for 24 months --

Procedura Aperta, suddivisa in 3 Lotti, per la fornitura di autofurgoni leggeri allestiti, di veicoli 8/9 posti, per un totale di n. 35 veicoli, comprensiva di interventi in garanzia per 24 mesi
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 06 Jul 2023 for the country of Italy. It has been categorized on Vans. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Procedura Aperta, suddivisa in 3 Lotti, per la fornitura di autofurgoni leggeri allestiti, di veicoli 8/9 posti, per un totale di n. 35 veicoli, comprensiva di interventi in garanzia per 24 mesi

General Information

Open Procedure, divided into 3 Lots, for the supply of light fitted vans, 8/9 seater vehicles, for a total of n. 35 vehicles, including interventions under warranty for 24 months
Procedura Aperta, suddivisa in 3 Lotti, per la fornitura di autofurgoni leggeri allestiti, di veicoli 8/9 posti, per un totale di n. 35 veicoli, comprensiva di interventi in garanzia per 24 mesi
Invitation for Bids
6 Jul 2023
19 Sep 2023

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