
World Tenders & Procurement Opportunities

development works of the playground of the Ebone Shopping Center, in the Arrondissement of Nlonako, Department of Moungo, Littoral Region.

World Biggest Tenders Source

This tender with title development works of the playground of the Ebone Shopping Center, in the Arrondissement of Nlonako, Department of Moungo, Littoral Region. --

travaux d'aménagement de l'aire de jeux du Centre Commercial Ebone, dans l'Arrondissement de Nlonako, Département du Moungo, Région du Littoral.
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 29 Jun 2023 for the country of Cameroon. It has been categorized on Shopping centre construction work. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

travaux d'aménagement de l'aire de jeux du Centre Commercial Ebone, dans l'Arrondissement de Nlonako, Département du Moungo, Région du Littoral.

General Information

development works of the playground of the Ebone Shopping Center, in the Arrondissement of Nlonako, Department of Moungo, Littoral Region.
travaux d'aménagement de l'aire de jeux du Centre Commercial Ebone, dans l'Arrondissement de Nlonako, Département du Moungo, Région du Littoral.
Invitation for Bids
29 Jun 2023
Shopping centre construction work

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