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Supply and installation of equipment for the extension of the Sanankoroba substation as part of the 225 kV GUINEA-MALI electrical interconnection project (PIEGM)

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This tender with title Supply and installation of equipment for the extension of the Sanankoroba substation as part of the 225 kV GUINEA-MALI electrical interconnection project (PIEGM) --

Fourniture et installation des matériels pour l’extension du poste de Sanankoroba dans le cadre du projet d’interconnexion électrique en 225 kV GUINEE-MALI (PIEGM) - Contract Value: USD 2574037.72
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 26 Jun 2023 for the country of Mali. It has been categorized on Installation services of electrical equipment & Electrical machinery, apparatus, equipment and consumables; lighting & Installation services of electrical and mechanical equipment & Substation construction work & Substation equipment. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Fourniture et installation des matériels pour l’extension du poste de Sanankoroba dans le cadre du projet d’interconnexion électrique en 225 kV GUINEE-MALI (PIEGM) - Contract Value: USD 2574037.72

General Information

Supply and installation of equipment for the extension of the Sanankoroba substation as part of the 225 kV GUINEA-MALI electrical interconnection project (PIEGM)
Fourniture et installation des matériels pour l’extension du poste de Sanankoroba dans le cadre du projet d’interconnexion électrique en 225 kV GUINEE-MALI (PIEGM) - Contract Value: USD 2574037.72
Contract Award
26 Jun 2023
Installation services of electrical equipment , Electrical machinery, apparatus, equipment and consumables; lighting , Installation services of electrical and mechanical equipment , Substation construction work , Substation equipment

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