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Contract Awarded - Acquisition of supplies for chlorine and E-coli tests in water within the National Survey of Child Malnutrition (water bottles)

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This tender with title Contract Awarded - Acquisition of supplies for chlorine and E-coli tests in water within the National Survey of Child Malnutrition (water bottles) --
Adquisición de insumos para las pruebas de cloro e E-coli en agua dentro de la Encuesta Nacional de Desnutrición Infantil (botellas de agua)
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 09 Jun 2023 for the country of Ecuador . It has been categorized on Chlorine & Chemical elements, inorganic acids and compounds & Bottles. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Adquisición de insumos para las pruebas de cloro e E-coli en agua dentro de la Encuesta Nacional de Desnutrición Infantil (botellas de agua)

General Information

Contract Awarded - Acquisition of supplies for chlorine and E-coli tests in water within the National Survey of Child Malnutrition (water bottles)

Adquisición de insumos para las pruebas de cloro e E-coli en agua dentro de la Encuesta Nacional de Desnutrición Infantil (botellas de agua)
Contract Award
9 Jun 2023
Chlorine , Chemical elements, inorganic acids and compounds , Bottles

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