
World Tenders & Procurement Opportunities

Benin - Selection of an insurance company responsible for setting up car insurance, multi-risk insurance and a health insurance policy, for the benefit of the staff of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Benin (CCIB) for the 2023 budget year. (lot 1, lot 2 and lot 3) (three-year framework agreement with purchase order)

World Biggest Tenders Source

This tender with title Benin - Selection of an insurance company responsible for setting up car insurance, multi-risk insurance and a health insurance policy, for the benefit of the staff of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Benin (CCIB) for the 2023 budget year. (lot 1, lot 2 and lot 3) (three-year framework agreement with purchase order) --

Sélection d’une compagnie d’assurance chargée de la mise en place d'une assurance automobile, d'une assurance multirisques et d’une police d’assurance sante, au profit du personnel de la Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie du Bénin (CCIB) au titre de l’exercice budgétaire 2023. (lot 1, lot 2 et lot 3) ( accord cadre triennal à bon de commande)

has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 05 Jun 2023 for the country of Benin. It has been categorized on Health insurance services & Motor vehicle insurance services & Contractor's all-risk insurance services & Command and liaison vehicles. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Sélection d’une compagnie d’assurance chargée de la mise en place d'une assurance automobile, d'une assurance multirisques et d’une police d’assurance sante, au profit du personnel de la Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie du Bénin (CCIB) au titre de l’exercice budgétaire 2023. (lot 1, lot 2 et lot 3) ( accord cadre triennal à bon de commande)

General Information

Benin - Selection of an insurance company responsible for setting up car insurance, multi-risk insurance and a health insurance policy, for the benefit of the staff of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Benin (CCIB) for the 2023 budget year. (lot 1, lot 2 and lot 3) (three-year framework agreement with purchase order)

Sélection d’une compagnie d’assurance chargée de la mise en place d'une assurance automobile, d'une assurance multirisques et d’une police d’assurance sante, au profit du personnel de la Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie du Bénin (CCIB) au titre de l’exercice budgétaire 2023. (lot 1, lot 2 et lot 3) ( accord cadre triennal à bon de commande)

Invitation for Bids
5 Jun 2023
22 Jun 2023
Health insurance services , Motor vehicle insurance services , Contractor's all-risk insurance services , Command and liaison vehicles

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