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Poland - Performing ad hoc and emergency repairs of cooling water pumps and filters as well as deep drainage installed at PGNiG TERMIKA SA facilities

World Biggest Tenders Source

This tender with title Poland - Performing ad hoc and emergency repairs of cooling water pumps and filters as well as deep drainage installed at PGNiG TERMIKA SA facilities --
Wykonywanie doraźnych i awaryjnych remontów pomp i filtrów wody chłodzącej i głębokiego drenażu zainstalowanych na obiektach PGNiG TERMIKA SA
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 31 May 2023 for the country of Poland. It has been categorized on Repair and maintenance services of pumps, valves, taps and metal containers. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Wykonywanie doraźnych i awaryjnych remontów pomp i filtrów wody chłodzącej i głębokiego drenażu zainstalowanych na obiektach PGNiG TERMIKA SA

General Information

Poland - Performing ad hoc and emergency repairs of cooling water pumps and filters as well as deep drainage installed at PGNiG TERMIKA SA facilities

Wykonywanie doraźnych i awaryjnych remontów pomp i filtrów wody chłodzącej i głębokiego drenażu zainstalowanych na obiektach PGNiG TERMIKA SA
Invitation for Bids
2023/S 102-319825
31 May 2023
14 Jun 2023
Repair and maintenance services of pumps, valves, taps and metal containers

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