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Contract Awarded - CMI, Contract for the provision of qualifying training with the Center des Métiers Industriels (CMI) for the qualifying training of 20 vulnerable young people in masonry - OP00228245

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This tender with title Contract Awarded - CMI, Contract for the provision of qualifying training with the Center des Métiers Industriels (CMI) for the qualifying training of 20 vulnerable young people in masonry - OP00228245 --
CMI, Contrat de prestation de formation qualifiante avec Centre des Metiers industriels (CMI) pour la formation qualifiante de 20 jeunes vulnérables en maçonnerie
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 29 May 2023 for the country of Congo, Republic. It has been categorized on Masonry and bricklaying work & Masonry work. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

CMI, Contrat de prestation de formation qualifiante avec Centre des Metiers industriels (CMI) pour la formation qualifiante de 20 jeunes vulnérables en maçonnerie

General Information

Contract Awarded - CMI, Contract for the provision of qualifying training with the Center des Métiers Industriels (CMI) for the qualifying training of 20 vulnerable young people in masonry - OP00228245

CMI, Contrat de prestation de formation qualifiante avec Centre des Metiers industriels (CMI) pour la formation qualifiante de 20 jeunes vulnérables en maçonnerie
Contract Award
Congo, Republic
29 May 2023
Masonry and bricklaying work , Masonry work

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