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Brazil - Possible acquisition of security materials, maintenance and conservation of the storerooms and roads in the storage area…

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This tender with title Brazil - Possible acquisition of security materials, maintenance and conservation of the storerooms and roads in the storage area… --
Eventual aquisição de materiais de segurança, manutenção e conservação dos paióis e estradas da área de empaiolamento do 5º Batalhão de Suprimento.
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 24 May 2023 for the country of Brazil. It has been categorized on Construction work for highways, roads & Road construction works & Road-repair materials & Road-maintenance materials & Repair and maintenance services of security and defence materials. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Eventual aquisição de materiais de segurança, manutenção e conservação dos paióis e estradas da área de empaiolamento do 5º Batalhão de Suprimento.

General Information

Brazil - Possible acquisition of security materials, maintenance and conservation of the storerooms and roads in the storage area…

Eventual aquisição de materiais de segurança, manutenção e conservação dos paióis e estradas da área de empaiolamento do 5º Batalhão de Suprimento.
Invitation for Bids
24 May 2023
1 Jun 2023
Construction work for highways, roads , Road construction works , Road-repair materials , Road-maintenance materials , Repair and maintenance services of security and defence materials

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