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Spain - Supply of oils for naval diesel engines O-278 and lubricating oils for O-250 gears, included in the technical guide for fuels, lubricants and associated products of the FAS.

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This tender with title Spain - Supply of oils for naval diesel engines O-278 and lubricating oils for O-250 gears, included in the technical guide for fuels, lubricants and associated products of the FAS. --
Suministro de aceites para motores diesel navales O-278 y aceites lubricantes para engranajes O-250, incluídos en la guía técnica de combustibles, lubricantes y productos asociados a las FAS.
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 24 May 2023 for the country of Spain. It has been categorized on Lubricants & Fuels & Lubricating preparations & Greases and lubricants & Petroleum products, fuel, electricity and other sources of energy & Lubricating oils and lubricating agents & Lubricating traction oils. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Suministro de aceites para motores diesel navales O-278 y aceites lubricantes para engranajes O-250, incluídos en la guía técnica de combustibles, lubricantes y productos asociados a las FAS.

General Information

Spain - Supply of oils for naval diesel engines O-278 and lubricating oils for O-250 gears, included in the technical guide for fuels, lubricants and associated products of the FAS.

Suministro de aceites para motores diesel navales O-278 y aceites lubricantes para engranajes O-250, incluídos en la guía técnica de combustibles, lubricantes y productos asociados a las FAS.
Invitation for Bids
2023/S 097-303951
Spain-San Fernando
24 May 2023
16 Jun 2023
Lubricants , Fuels , Lubricating preparations , Greases and lubricants , Petroleum products, fuel, electricity and other sources of energy , Lubricating oils and lubricating agents , Lubricating traction oils

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