This tender with title Cyprus - TD 47/2023 The supply and installation of playground equipment and impact-absorbing surfaces in the playground of the National Forest Park of the Pedagogical Academy and Athalassa of the Department. Forests. --
ΤΔ 47/2023 Η προμήθεια και τοποθέτηση εξοπλισμού παιχνιδότοπου και επιφανειών απορρόφησης κρούσεων στην παιδική χαρά του του Εθνικού Δασικού Πάρκου Παιδαγωγικής Ακαδημίας και Αθαλάσσας του Τμ. Δασών. has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 23 May 2023 for the country of Cyprus. It has been categorized on Playground equipment. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.
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