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Mayotte - the purpose of the Framework Agreement is the maintenance and cleaning of premises and windows for state services

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This tender with title Mayotte - the purpose of the Framework Agreement is the maintenance and cleaning of premises and windows for state services --
l'Accord-Cadre a pour objet l'entretien et le nettoyage des locaux et des vitres pour les services de l'état
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 22 May 2023 for the country of Mayotte (FR). It has been categorized on Cleaning and sanitation services. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

l'Accord-Cadre a pour objet l'entretien et le nettoyage des locaux et des vitres pour les services de l'état

General Information

Mayotte - the purpose of the Framework Agreement is the maintenance and cleaning of premises and windows for state services

l'Accord-Cadre a pour objet l'entretien et le nettoyage des locaux et des vitres pour les services de l'état
Invitation for Bids
2023/S 096-296264
Mayotte (FR)
22 May 2023
30 Jun 2023
Cleaning and sanitation services

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