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Poland - Purchase of filtration materials for the KSMP for 2023-2024, divided into tasks

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This tender with title Poland - Purchase of filtration materials for the KSMP for 2023-2024, divided into tasks --
Zakup materiałów filtracyjnych do KSMP na lata 2023-2024 w podziale na zadania
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 22 May 2023 for the country of Poland. It has been categorized on Air filters. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Zakup materiałów filtracyjnych do KSMP na lata 2023-2024 w podziale na zadania

General Information

Poland - Purchase of filtration materials for the KSMP for 2023-2024, divided into tasks

Zakup materiałów filtracyjnych do KSMP na lata 2023-2024 w podziale na zadania
Invitation for Bids
2023/S 096-301343
22 May 2023
19 Jun 2023
Air filters

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