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Benin - Acquisition of smartphones for the benefit of the Communities, SC, FC and FT as part of the deployment of the eMGP and the DCC digital application

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This tender with title Benin - Acquisition of smartphones for the benefit of the Communities, SC, FC and FT as part of the deployment of the eMGP and the DCC digital application --
Acquisition de smartphones au profit des Communautés, SC, FC et FT dans le cadre du déploiement du eMGP et de l'application numérique DCC
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 23 May 2023 for the country of Benin. It has been categorized on Telephone sets & Mobile telephones. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Acquisition de smartphones au profit des Communautés, SC, FC et FT dans le cadre du déploiement du eMGP et de l'application numérique DCC

General Information

Benin - Acquisition of smartphones for the benefit of the Communities, SC, FC and FT as part of the deployment of the eMGP and the DCC digital application

Acquisition de smartphones au profit des Communautés, SC, FC et FT dans le cadre du déploiement du eMGP et de l'application numérique DCC
Invitation for Bids
23 May 2023
16 Jun 2023
Telephone sets , Mobile telephones

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