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Morocco - Telecommunication services: Subscription to an SMS/Emailing push platform at the www.ancfcc.gov.ma p… - AO027/2023/ANCFCC/DOSI

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This tender with title Morocco - Telecommunication services: Subscription to an SMS/Emailing push platform at the www.ancfcc.gov.ma p… - AO027/2023/ANCFCC/DOSI --
Prestations de télécommunication : Abonnement à une plateforme push SMS/Emailing au niveau du portail www.ancfcc.gov.ma, en lot unique
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 15 May 2023 for the country of Morocco. It has been categorized on Postal and telecommunications services & Telecommunication services except telephone and data transmission services & Telecommunications services. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Prestations de télécommunication : Abonnement à une plateforme push SMS/Emailing au niveau du portail www.ancfcc.gov.ma, en lot unique

General Information

Morocco - Telecommunication services: Subscription to an SMS/Emailing push platform at the www.ancfcc.gov.ma p… - AO027/2023/ANCFCC/DOSI

Prestations de télécommunication : Abonnement à une plateforme push SMS/Emailing au niveau du portail www.ancfcc.gov.ma, en lot unique
Invitation to Tender
15 May 2023
7 Jun 2023
Postal and telecommunications services , Telecommunication services except telephone and data transmission services , Telecommunications services

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