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Contract Awarded - Subproject Improvement of the irrigation network of the Valley of Jáchal. San Juan. - OP00227029

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This tender with title Contract Awarded - Subproject Improvement of the irrigation network of the Valley of Jáchal. San Juan. - OP00227029 --
Subproyecto "Mejora de la red de riego del Valle de Jáchal". San Juan.
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 15 May 2023 for the country of Argentina. It has been categorized on Irrigation piping construction work & Irrigation works & Irrigation channel construction work. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Subproyecto "Mejora de la red de riego del Valle de Jáchal". San Juan.

General Information

Contract Awarded - Subproject Improvement of the irrigation network of the Valley of Jáchal. San Juan. - OP00227029

Subproyecto "Mejora de la red de riego del Valle de Jáchal". San Juan.
Contract Award
15 May 2023
Irrigation piping construction work , Irrigation works , Irrigation channel construction work

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