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Vietnam - Coal Jetty - DH2 stage 2023-2024: Obtain offshore dumping permit and carry out dredging & dumping works for DH2 Specialized Port of the Duyen Hai 2 Thermal power project – Stage 2023-2024

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This tender with title Vietnam - Coal Jetty - DH2 stage 2023-2024: Obtain offshore dumping permit and carry out dredging & dumping works for DH2 Specialized Port of the Duyen Hai 2 Thermal power project – Stage 2023-2024 --
Coal Jetty - DH2 stage 2023-2024: Obtain offshore dumping permit and carry out dredging & dumping works for DH2 Specialized Port of the Duyen Hai 2 Thermal power project – Stage 2023-2024
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 15 May 2023 for the country of Vietnam. It has been categorized on Dredging and pumping works. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Coal Jetty - DH2 stage 2023-2024: Obtain offshore dumping permit and carry out dredging & dumping works for DH2 Specialized Port of the Duyen Hai 2 Thermal power project – Stage 2023-2024

General Information

Vietnam - Coal Jetty - DH2 stage 2023-2024: Obtain offshore dumping permit and carry out dredging & dumping works for DH2 Specialized Port of the Duyen Hai 2 Thermal power project – Stage 2023-2024

Coal Jetty - DH2 stage 2023-2024: Obtain offshore dumping permit and carry out dredging & dumping works for DH2 Specialized Port of the Duyen Hai 2 Thermal power project – Stage 2023-2024
Invitation for Bids
15 May 2023
24 Apr 2023
Dredging and pumping works

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