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Bolivia - Hiring of five individual line consultants for the project implementation of the flood prevention system in the Desaguadero river, department of Oruro

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This tender with title Bolivia - Hiring of five individual line consultants for the project implementation of the flood prevention system in the Desaguadero river, department of Oruro --
Contratacion de cinco consultores individuales de linea para el proyecto implementacion del sistema de prevencion contra inundaciones en el rio desaguadero departamento de oruro
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 01 May 2023 for the country of Bolivia. It has been categorized on Flood-prevention works. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Contratacion de cinco consultores individuales de linea para el proyecto implementacion del sistema de prevencion contra inundaciones en el rio desaguadero departamento de oruro

General Information

Bolivia - Hiring of five individual line consultants for the project implementation of the flood prevention system in the Desaguadero river, department of Oruro

Contratacion de cinco consultores individuales de linea para el proyecto implementacion del sistema de prevencion contra inundaciones en el rio desaguadero departamento de oruro
Invitation to Tender
1 May 2023
4 May 2023
Flood-prevention works

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