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Czech Republic - 21-093.2 Long-life UHT-treated milk - procurement and protection

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This tender with title Czech Republic - 21-093.2 Long-life UHT-treated milk - procurement and protection --
21-093.2 Mléko trvanlivé ošetřené UHT - pořízení a ochraňování
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 01 May 2023 for the country of Czech Republic. It has been categorized on UHT milk. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

21-093.2 Mléko trvanlivé ošetřené UHT - pořízení a ochraňování

General Information

Czech Republic - 21-093.2 Long-life UHT-treated milk - procurement and protection

21-093.2 Mléko trvanlivé ošetřené UHT - pořízení a ochraňování
Invitation for Bids
2023/S 084-250775
Czech Republic
Czech Republic-Prague
1 May 2023
9 Jun 2023
UHT milk

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