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Italy - Supply and installation of wood cellulosic material for plant biofilters and analytical activities to verify biofiltration efficiency.

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This tender with title Italy - Supply and installation of wood cellulosic material for plant biofilters and analytical activities to verify biofiltration efficiency. --
Fornitura e posa in opera materiale ligneo cellulosico per biofiltri degli impianti ed attività analitiche per verifica efficienza biofiltrazione.
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 26 Apr 2023 for the country of Italy. It has been categorized on Environmental indicators analysis other than for construction. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Fornitura e posa in opera materiale ligneo cellulosico per biofiltri degli impianti ed attività analitiche per verifica efficienza biofiltrazione.

General Information

Italy - Supply and installation of wood cellulosic material for plant biofilters and analytical activities to verify biofiltration efficiency.

Fornitura e posa in opera materiale ligneo cellulosico per biofiltri degli impianti ed attività analitiche per verifica efficienza biofiltrazione.
Invitation for Bids
2023/S 080-242889
26 Apr 2023
5 Jun 2023
Environmental indicators analysis other than for construction

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