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Ukraine - Ham and brisket of the highest grade - UA-2023-04-07-001491-a

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This tender with title Ukraine - Ham and brisket of the highest grade - UA-2023-04-07-001491-a --
Шинка та грудинка вищого сорту
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 10 Apr 2023 for the country of Ukraine. It has been categorized on Ham. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Шинка та грудинка вищого сорту

General Information

Ukraine - Ham and brisket of the highest grade - UA-2023-04-07-001491-a

Шинка та грудинка вищого сорту
Invitation to Tender
10 Apr 2023
17 Apr 2023

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