
World Tenders & Procurement Opportunities

Guadeloupe - cleaning of ditches and maintenance of settling and retention basins along the national roads of Guadeloupe

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This tender with title Guadeloupe - cleaning of ditches and maintenance of settling and retention basins along the national roads of Guadeloupe --
curage de fossés et l'entretien de bassins de décantation et de rétention le long des routes nationales de Guadeloupe
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 06 Apr 2023 for the country of Guadeloupe. It has been categorized on Repair and maintenance services. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

curage de fossés et l'entretien de bassins de décantation et de rétention le long des routes nationales de Guadeloupe

General Information

Guadeloupe - cleaning of ditches and maintenance of settling and retention basins along the national roads of Guadeloupe

curage de fossés et l'entretien de bassins de décantation et de rétention le long des routes nationales de Guadeloupe
Invitation for Bids
2023/S 065-192626
6 Apr 2023
2 May 2023
Repair and maintenance services

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