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Contract Awarded - Supply of equipment and agricultural inputs for the realization of IGAs created on 26 targeted sites to benefit from a special support fund for the Indigenous People (Batwa)

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This tender with title Contract Awarded - Supply of equipment and agricultural inputs for the realization of IGAs created on 26 targeted sites to benefit from a special support fund for the Indigenous People (Batwa) --
Fourniture des équipements et intrants agricole pour la réalisation des AGRs créés sur 26 sites ciblés pour faire bénéficier un fond spécial de soutien au Peuple Autochtone (Batwa)
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 30 Mar 2023 for the country of Burundi. It has been categorized on Agricultural machinery & Agricultural, farming, fishing, forestry and related products & Agricultural and horticultural products. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Fourniture des équipements et intrants agricole pour la réalisation des AGRs créés sur 26 sites ciblés pour faire bénéficier un fond spécial de soutien au Peuple Autochtone (Batwa)

General Information

Contract Awarded - Supply of equipment and agricultural inputs for the realization of IGAs created on 26 targeted sites to benefit from a special support fund for the Indigenous People (Batwa)

Fourniture des équipements et intrants agricole pour la réalisation des AGRs créés sur 26 sites ciblés pour faire bénéficier un fond spécial de soutien au Peuple Autochtone (Batwa)
Contract Award
30 Mar 2023
Agricultural machinery , Agricultural, farming, fishing, forestry and related products , Agricultural and horticultural products

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