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Contract Awarded - B18-21 Insumos para la atención en UCI: Set de Traqueotomía y Circuito Universal de ventilador de 72" de largo

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This tender with title Contract Awarded - B18-21 Insumos para la atención en UCI: Set de Traqueotomía y Circuito Universal de ventilador de 72" de largo --
B18-21 Supply of Supplies for ICU care: Tracheostomy Set and Universal Ventilator Circuit 72" long
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 13 Mar 2023 for the country of Panama. It has been categorized on Extraction ventilators & Medical equipments & Ventilators. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

B18-21 Supply of Supplies for ICU care: Tracheostomy Set and Universal Ventilator Circuit 72" long

General Information

Contract Awarded - B18-21 Insumos para la atención en UCI: Set de Traqueotomía y Circuito Universal de ventilador de 72" de largo

B18-21 Supply of Supplies for ICU care: Tracheostomy Set and Universal Ventilator Circuit 72" long
Contract Award
13 Mar 2023
Extraction ventilators , Medical equipments , Ventilators

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