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Moldova - Achiziție - Reparaţia capitală a unui sector de stradă dins. Vărvăreuca ( str. M. Eminescu pichetul 2+00 -6+00)

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This tender with title Moldova - Achiziție - Reparaţia capitală a unui sector de stradă dins. Vărvăreuca ( str. M. Eminescu pichetul 2+00 -6+00) --
Acquisition of Capital repair of a street sector. Vărvăreuca (str. M. Eminescu picket 2+00 -6+00)
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 27 Feb 2023 for the country of Moldova. It has been categorized on Pylons, poles and pickets & Pickets. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Acquisition of Capital repair of a street sector. Vărvăreuca (str. M. Eminescu picket 2+00 -6+00)

General Information

Moldova - Achiziție - Reparaţia capitală a unui sector de stradă dins. Vărvăreuca ( str. M. Eminescu pichetul 2+00 -6+00)

Acquisition of Capital repair of a street sector. Vărvăreuca (str. M. Eminescu picket 2+00 -6+00)
Invitation for Bids
27 Feb 2023
7 Mar 2023
Pylons, poles and pickets , Pickets

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