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Contract Awarded - Suministro, instalación y puesta en marcha de equipo generador de vapor, caldera 100 bhp y periféricos.

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This tender with title Contract Awarded - Suministro, instalación y puesta en marcha de equipo generador de vapor, caldera 100 bhp y periféricos. --
Supply, installation and commissioning of steam generating equipment, 100 bhp boiler and peripherals.
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 20 Feb 2023 for the country of El Salvador. It has been categorized on Boiler installation work & Peripheral equipment & Boilers & Boiler installations. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Supply, installation and commissioning of steam generating equipment, 100 bhp boiler and peripherals.

General Information

Contract Awarded - Suministro, instalación y puesta en marcha de equipo generador de vapor, caldera 100 bhp y periféricos.

Supply, installation and commissioning of steam generating equipment, 100 bhp boiler and peripherals.
Contract Award
El Salvador
20 Feb 2023
Boiler installation work , Peripheral equipment , Boilers , Boiler installations

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