
World Tenders & Procurement Opportunities

Guinea - Recrutement d’un consultant individuel pour l’élaboration d’un manuel de procédures de gestion des cantines scolaires.

World Biggest Tenders Source

This tender with title Guinea - Recrutement d’un consultant individuel pour l’élaboration d’un manuel de procédures de gestion des cantines scolaires. --
Recruitment of an individual consultant for the development of a procedures manual for the management of school canteens.
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 11 Jan 2023 for the country of Guinea. It has been categorized on Manuals & Services related to the preparation of training manuals. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Recruitment of an individual consultant for the development of a procedures manual for the management of school canteens.

General Information

Guinea - Recrutement d’un consultant individuel pour l’élaboration d’un manuel de procédures de gestion des cantines scolaires.

Recruitment of an individual consultant for the development of a procedures manual for the management of school canteens.
Request for Expression of Interest
11 Jan 2023
25 Jan 2023
Manuals , Services related to the preparation of training manuals

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