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Gara 87/2022: Lavori di ”Adeguamento normativo e consolidamento nuovo cavalcavia superiore di Marghera” Lotto 1 C.I. 14167 CIG 95332617D8, Lotto 2 C.I. 14417, CIG 9533304B53 NextGenerationEU PNRR

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This tender with title Gara 87/2022: Lavori di ”Adeguamento normativo e consolidamento nuovo cavalcavia superiore di Marghera” Lotto 1 C.I. 14167 CIG 95332617D8, Lotto 2 C.I. 14417, CIG 9533304B53 NextGenerationEU PNRR -- Road bridge construction work has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 22 Dec 2022 for the country of Italy. It has been categorized on Road bridge construction work. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Road bridge construction work

General Information

Gara 87/2022: Lavori di ”Adeguamento normativo e consolidamento nuovo cavalcavia superiore di Marghera” Lotto 1 C.I. 14167 CIG 95332617D8, Lotto 2 C.I. 14417, CIG 9533304B53 NextGenerationEU PNRR
Road bridge construction work
Invitation for Bids
2022/S 246-712650
22 Dec 2022
25 Jan 2023
Road bridge construction work

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