This tender with title Поставка продуктов питания для ЦСВЛиР ФГБУ «ФНКЦ детей и подростков ФМБА России») (Изюм, курага, чернослив, печенье, вафли, рис, горох консервированный, сыр, кофейный напиток, какао, ягоды замороженные, дрожжи, горох, сок) --
Supply of food products for TsVLR FGBU "FNKTs Children and Adolescents of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia") (raisins, dried apricots, prunes, cookies, waffles, rice, canned peas, cheese, coffee drink, cocoa, frozen berries, yeast, peas, juice) has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 01 Dec 2022 for the country of Russia. It has been categorized on Canned goods & Miscellaneous food products & Miscellaneous medical devices and products & Medical equipments & Cocoa & Food, beverages and related products. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.
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