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Adquisición de cursos de Lengua de Señas para funcionarios y usuarios de la Comuna

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This tender with title Adquisición de cursos de Lengua de Señas para funcionarios y usuarios de la Comuna --
Acquisition of Sign Language courses for officials and users of the Commune
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 10 Nov 2022 for the country of Chile. It has been categorized on Provision of language courses. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Acquisition of Sign Language courses for officials and users of the Commune

General Information

Adquisición de cursos de Lengua de Señas para funcionarios y usuarios de la Comuna

Acquisition of Sign Language courses for officials and users of the Commune
Invitation to Tender
10 Nov 2022
15 Nov 2022
Provision of language courses

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