
World Tenders & Procurement Opportunities

Contract Awarded - Recrutement d'un Consultant pour la réalisation d'une Etude d'Impact Environnemental et Social (EIES) pour l'aménagement de trois (03) zones à déchets pour les Centres de prise en charge des cas de la COVID-19

World Biggest Tenders Source

This tender with title Contract Awarded - Recrutement d'un Consultant pour la réalisation d'une Etude d'Impact Environnemental et Social (EIES) pour l'aménagement de trois (03) zones à déchets pour les Centres de prise en charge des cas de la COVID-19 --
Recruitment of a Consultant for the realization of an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the development of three (03) waste areas for the Centers for the management of cases of COVID-19
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 26 Oct 2022 for the country of Niger. It has been categorized on Consulting services for water-supply and waste consultancy & Business and management consultancy and related services & Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) services for construction & Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) services other than for construction & Environmental issues consultancy services & Environmental impact assessment other than for construction & Environmental impact assessment for construction. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Recruitment of a Consultant for the realization of an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the development of three (03) waste areas for the Centers for the management of cases of COVID-19

General Information

Contract Awarded - Recrutement d'un Consultant pour la réalisation d'une Etude d'Impact Environnemental et Social (EIES) pour l'aménagement de trois (03) zones à déchets pour les Centres de prise en charge des cas de la COVID-19

Recruitment of a Consultant for the realization of an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the development of three (03) waste areas for the Centers for the management of cases of COVID-19
Contract Award
26 Oct 2022
Consulting services for water-supply and waste consultancy , Business and management consultancy and related services , Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) services for construction , Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) services other than for construction , Environmental issues consultancy services , Environmental impact assessment other than for construction , Environmental impact assessment for construction

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