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Текущий ремонт телефонной линии связи в административном здании по адресу: Ивановская область, город Родники, улица Советская, дом 10

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This tender with title Текущий ремонт телефонной линии связи в административном здании по адресу: Ивановская область, город Родники, улица Советская, дом 10 --
Current repair of the telephone line in the administrative building at the address: Ivanovo region, Rodniki, Sovetskaya street, 10
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 23 Oct 2022 for the country of Russia. It has been categorized on Roadside emergency telephone lines & Construction work for telephone lines & Installation of telephone lines & Overhaul and refurbishment work. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Current repair of the telephone line in the administrative building at the address: Ivanovo region, Rodniki, Sovetskaya street, 10

General Information

Текущий ремонт телефонной линии связи в административном здании по адресу: Ивановская область, город Родники, улица Советская, дом 10

Current repair of the telephone line in the administrative building at the address: Ivanovo region, Rodniki, Sovetskaya street, 10
Invitation for Bids
23 Oct 2022
27 Oct 2022
Roadside emergency telephone lines , Construction work for telephone lines , Installation of telephone lines , Overhaul and refurbishment work

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