This tender with title Auditoria financiera de proyectos financiado por el fondo de desarrollo indigena fdi 1.- proyecto: const. puente vehicular sobre el rio arco punku; 2.- proyecto: const. puente vehicular sobre el rio huayrurruni; 3.- proyecto: const. puente vehicular sobre rio tablas; 4.- proyecto: const. puente vehicular sobre rio siquilini y 5.- proyecto: const. puente vehicular sobre el rio chimpa --
Financial audit of projects funded by the indigenous development fund fdi 1.- project: const. vehicular bridge over the river arch gate; 2.- project: const. vehicular bridge over the Huayrurruni River; 3.- project: const. vehicular bridge over river boards; 4.- project: const. vehicular bridge over river siquilini and 5.- project: const. vehicular bridge over the river crossing has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 07 Oct 2022 for the country of Bolivia. It has been categorized on Bridge construction work. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.
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