
World Tenders & Procurement Opportunities

Entretien et maintenance préventive et curative des installations et équipements techniques relevant des locaux de service de la Direction Interrégionale des Douanes du Centre Sud à (Marrakech, Safi, El jadida, Essaouira, Ouarzazate et Jorf lasfar) - 04 lots - Lot 1 : onduleurs et groupes électrogènes Lot 2 : vidéosurveillance, alarme, anti intrusion, barrière électrique et porte automatique et système d’incendie Lot 3 : Standards et postes téléphoniques Lot 4 : Ascenseurs

World Biggest Tenders Source

This tender with title Entretien et maintenance préventive et curative des installations et équipements techniques relevant des locaux de service de la Direction Interrégionale des Douanes du Centre Sud à (Marrakech, Safi, El jadida, Essaouira, Ouarzazate et Jorf lasfar) - 04 lots - Lot 1 : onduleurs et groupes électrogènes Lot 2 : vidéosurveillance, alarme, anti intrusion, barrière électrique et porte automatique et système d’incendie Lot 3 : Standards et postes téléphoniques Lot 4 : Ascenseurs -- Maintenance and preventive and curative maintenance of installations and technical equipment under the service premises of the Interregional Directorate of Customs of the Center South in (Marrakech, Safi, El jadida, Essaouira, Ouarzazate and Jorf lasfar) - 04 lots - Lot 1: inverters and generators Lot 2: video surveillance, alarm, anti-intrusion, electric barrier and automatic door and fire system Lot 3: Switchboards and telephone sets Lot 4: Elevators has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 05 Oct 2022 for the country of Morocco. It has been categorized on Installation of switchboards & Installation of doors and windows and related components & Repair and maintenance services of video equipment & Repair and maintenance services & Telephone sets & Repair and maintenance services of generators & Fire-alarm system installation work & Installation services of generators & Repair and maintenance services of telephone sets & Alarm system and antenna installation work & Installation of doors and windows & Telephone equipment & Repair and maintenance services of telephone switching apparatus & Repair and maintenance services of security equipment & Repair and maintenance services of electrical and mechanical building installations & Installation of doors & Installation services of video equipment. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Maintenance and preventive and curative maintenance of installations and technical equipment under the service premises of the Interregional Directorate of Customs of the Center South in (Marrakech, Safi, El jadida, Essaouira, Ouarzazate and Jorf lasfar) - 04 lots - Lot 1: inverters and generators Lot 2: video surveillance, alarm, anti-intrusion, electric barrier and automatic door and fire system Lot 3: Switchboards and telephone sets Lot 4: Elevators

General Information

Entretien et maintenance préventive et curative des installations et équipements techniques relevant des locaux de service de la Direction Interrégionale des Douanes du Centre Sud à (Marrakech, Safi, El jadida, Essaouira, Ouarzazate et Jorf lasfar) - 04 lots - Lot 1 : onduleurs et groupes électrogènes Lot 2 : vidéosurveillance, alarme, anti intrusion, barrière électrique et porte automatique et système d’incendie Lot 3 : Standards et postes téléphoniques Lot 4 : Ascenseurs
Maintenance and preventive and curative maintenance of installations and technical equipment under the service premises of the Interregional Directorate of Customs of the Center South in (Marrakech, Safi, El jadida, Essaouira, Ouarzazate and Jorf lasfar) - 04 lots - Lot 1: inverters and generators Lot 2: video surveillance, alarm, anti-intrusion, electric barrier and automatic door and fire system Lot 3: Switchboards and telephone sets Lot 4: Elevators
Invitation to Tender
5 Oct 2022
22 Nov 2022
Installation of switchboards , Installation of doors and windows and related components , Repair and maintenance services of video equipment , Repair and maintenance services , Telephone sets , Repair and maintenance services of generators , Fire-alarm system installation work , Installation services of generators , Repair and maintenance services of telephone sets , Alarm system and antenna installation work , Installation of doors and windows , Telephone equipment , Repair and maintenance services of telephone switching apparatus , Repair and maintenance services of security equipment , Repair and maintenance services of electrical and mechanical building installations , Installation of doors , Installation services of video equipment

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