This tender with title Achiziție - Echipament și inventar: masă de tenis, masa fotbal, masa air hockey, masa de billiard, ecran de protecție, rețea de supraveghere video, proiector video, computer, instrumente muzicale, echipament lumini, costume naționale, jocuri de societate, mobilier pentru Căminul Cultural din satul Holoșnița. --
Purchase - Equipment and inventory: tennis table, football table, air hockey table, pool table, protective screen, video surveillance network, video projector, computer, musical instruments, lighting equipment, national costumes, board games, furniture for The Cultural Home in the village of Holoșnița. has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 21 Sep 2022 for the country of Moldova. It has been categorized on Construction work for swimming pool & Computer equipment and supplies & Electrical machinery, apparatus, equipment and consumables; lighting & Miscellaneous furniture & Video equipment & Video projectors & Projectors & Network equipment & Furniture & Lighting equipment and electric lamps & Video-surveillance system & Tennis equipment & Musical instruments. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.
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