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Шивээговь сумын шинэ суурьшлын бүсэд худаг гаргуулах, ухаалаг систем суурилуулах ажил

World Biggest Tenders Source

This tender with title Шивээговь сумын шинэ суурьшлын бүсэд худаг гаргуулах, ухаалаг систем суурилуулах ажил --
Drilling a well and installing a smart system in the new residential area of ​​Shiveegov Sum
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 19 Sep 2022 for the country of Mongolia. It has been categorized on Well-drilling and production services & Medical equipments & Well-drilling services & Parts for well-drilling machinery & Well-drilling machinery. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Drilling a well and installing a smart system in the new residential area of ​​Shiveegov Sum

General Information

Шивээговь сумын шинэ суурьшлын бүсэд худаг гаргуулах, ухаалаг систем суурилуулах ажил

Drilling a well and installing a smart system in the new residential area of ​​Shiveegov Sum
Invitation to Tender
19 Sep 2022
26 Sep 2022
Well-drilling and production services , Medical equipments , Well-drilling services , Parts for well-drilling machinery , Well-drilling machinery

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