
World Tenders & Procurement Opportunities

Colombia Tenders - Consultoría apoyo gestión documental y revisión informes

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This tender with title Colombia Tenders - Consultoría apoyo gestión documental y revisión informes --
Consultancy support document management and review reports
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 14 Sep 2022 for the country of Colombia . It has been categorized on Business and management consultancy and related services. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Consultancy support document management and review reports

General Information

Colombia Tenders - Consultoría apoyo gestión documental y revisión informes

Consultancy support document management and review reports
Invitation for Bids
14 Sep 2022
27 Sep 2022
Business and management consultancy and related services

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No. 12, 1 st floor, Block B2, EGS Business Park, World Trade Center, Bakirkoy - Istanbul - Turkey
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