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Các gói thầu thực hiện nhiệm vụ BĐKT kho tàng, trạm xưởng năm 2022 của Viện Kỹ thuật cơ giới quân sự

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This tender with title Các gói thầu thực hiện nhiệm vụ BĐKT kho tàng, trạm xưởng năm 2022 của Viện Kỹ thuật cơ giới quân sự --
Bidding packages to carry out the task of technical inspection of warehouses and workshops in 2022 of the Military Institute of Mechanical Engineering
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 07 Sep 2022 for the country of Vietnam. It has been categorized on Mechanical engineering services & Mechanical and electrical engineering services & Technical inspection and testing services & Mechanical engineering installation works & Technical inspection services. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Bidding packages to carry out the task of technical inspection of warehouses and workshops in 2022 of the Military Institute of Mechanical Engineering

General Information

Các gói thầu thực hiện nhiệm vụ BĐKT kho tàng, trạm xưởng năm 2022 của Viện Kỹ thuật cơ giới quân sự

Bidding packages to carry out the task of technical inspection of warehouses and workshops in 2022 of the Military Institute of Mechanical Engineering
Invitation for Bids
20220903897 - 00
7 Sep 2022
12 Sep 2022
Mechanical engineering services , Mechanical and electrical engineering services , Technical inspection and testing services , Mechanical engineering installation works , Technical inspection services

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