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Contract Awarded - Congo, Republic - Impression et développement des supports de communication et des documents de sauvegardes du projet DGM

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This tender with title Contract Awarded - Congo, Republic - Impression et développement des supports de communication et des documents de sauvegardes du projet DGM -- Printing and development of communication materials and backup documents for the DGM project
Signed Contract Price: United States Dollars 14,685.00
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 03 Sep 2022 for the country of Congo, Republic. It has been categorized on Supervision of project and documentation. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Printing and development of communication materials and backup documents for the DGM project
Signed Contract Price: United States Dollars 14,685.00

General Information

Contract Awarded - Congo, Republic - Impression et développement des supports de communication et des documents de sauvegardes du projet DGM
Printing and development of communication materials and backup documents for the DGM project
Signed Contract Price: United States Dollars 14,685.00
Contract Award
Congo, Republic
3 Sep 2022
Supervision of project and documentation

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