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Крупа рису, крупа пшоняна, крупа гречана, крупа вівсяна, інші крупи (15610000-7 - Продукція борошномельно-круп’яної промисловості)

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This tender with title Крупа рису, крупа пшоняна, крупа гречана, крупа вівсяна, інші крупи (15610000-7 - Продукція борошномельно-круп’яної промисловості) --
Rice groats, millet groats, buckwheat groats, oat groats, other groats (15610000-7 - Products of flour milling and groats industry)
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 22 Aug 2022 for the country of Ukraine. It has been categorized on Processed rice. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Rice groats, millet groats, buckwheat groats, oat groats, other groats (15610000-7 - Products of flour milling and groats industry)

General Information

Крупа рису, крупа пшоняна, крупа гречана, крупа вівсяна, інші крупи (15610000-7 - Продукція борошномельно-круп’яної промисловості)

Rice groats, millet groats, buckwheat groats, oat groats, other groats (15610000-7 - Products of flour milling and groats industry)
Invitation to Tender
22 Aug 2022
30 Aug 2022
Processed rice

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