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Adquisición de TELA POPELINA CELESTE 100 METROS. Para confección de sabanas. * Envío incluido. * Enviar constancia de voto Referéndum 27/03/22. Referente.

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This tender with title Adquisición de TELA POPELINA CELESTE 100 METROS. Para confección de sabanas. * Envío incluido. * Enviar constancia de voto Referéndum 27/03/22. Referente. --
Acquisition of CELESTE POPLIN FABRIC 100 METERS. For making sheets. * Shipping included. * Send proof of vote Referendum 03/27/22. Referrer.
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 22 Aug 2022 for the country of Uruguay . It has been categorized on Poplin. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Acquisition of CELESTE POPLIN FABRIC 100 METERS. For making sheets. * Shipping included. * Send proof of vote Referendum 03/27/22. Referrer.

General Information

Adquisición de TELA POPELINA CELESTE 100 METROS. Para confección de sabanas. * Envío incluido. * Enviar constancia de voto Referéndum 27/03/22. Referente.

Acquisition of CELESTE POPLIN FABRIC 100 METERS. For making sheets. * Shipping included. * Send proof of vote Referendum 03/27/22. Referrer.
Invitation to Tender
22 Aug 2022
30 Aug 2022

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No. 12, 1 st floor, Block B2, EGS Business Park, World Trade Center, Bakirkoy - Istanbul - Turkey
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