This tender with title supply of drinking water to Douar Saada and neighboring douars in the Commune of Tamchachate (Civil Engineering Section + Hydro-electromechanical and electrical equipment) Province of El Hajeb -- l’alimentation en eau potable du douar Saada et douars riverains à la Commune de Tamchachate (Tranche Génie Civil + Equipement hydro-électromécaniques et électriques) Province d'El Hajeb has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 10 Aug 2022 for the country of Morocco. It has been categorized on Electrical equipment for engines and vehicles & Civil engineering support services & Electrical machinery, apparatus, equipment and consumables; lighting & Electromechanical equipment & Electrical equipment and apparatus & Consultative engineering and construction services & Civil engineering consultancy services & Drinking water & Mechanical engineering services & Mechanical and electrical engineering services. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.
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