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Development of a budget for the major renovation of the 50-bed maternity hospital building of the National Board of Education and Research

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This tender with title Development of a budget for the major renovation of the 50-bed maternity hospital building of the National Board of Education and Research --
БОЭТ-ийн 50 ортой төрөх эмнэлгийн барилгын их засварын зураг төсвийг боловсруулах
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 25 Jul 2022 for the country of Mongolia. It has been categorized on Construction work for research buildings & Construction work for buildings relating to education and research. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

БОЭТ-ийн 50 ортой төрөх эмнэлгийн барилгын их засварын зураг төсвийг боловсруулах

General Information

Development of a budget for the major renovation of the 50-bed maternity hospital building of the National Board of Education and Research

БОЭТ-ийн 50 ортой төрөх эмнэлгийн барилгын их засварын зураг төсвийг боловсруулах
Invitation to Tender
25 Jul 2022
29 Jul 2022
Construction work for research buildings , Construction work for buildings relating to education and research

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