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Contract Awarded - Nigeria - Providing GIS Construction of Crate wall- 1no,2) intake chamber-2no,3)C/o of 50,000L tank- 3no,4)C/o of 1 Lakh L tank -1 no.5)Providing, laying , jointing of GI pipes including fittings6)Providing at Ullana Distt. Sirmour. - OP00187296

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This tender with title Contract Awarded - Nigeria - Providing GIS Construction of Crate wall- 1no,2) intake chamber-2no,3)C/o of 50,000L tank- 3no,4)C/o of 1 Lakh L tank -1 no.5)Providing, laying , jointing of GI pipes including fittings6)Providing at Ullana Distt. Sirmour. - OP00187296 --
Signed Contract Price: Nigerian Naira 14,694,000.00
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 24 Jul 2022 for the country of Nigeria. It has been categorized on Pipe joints & Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work & Pipes & Crates & Pipelaying construction work & Pipes and fittings & Various pipe fittings. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Signed Contract Price: Nigerian Naira 14,694,000.00

General Information

Contract Awarded - Nigeria - Providing GIS Construction of Crate wall- 1no,2) intake chamber-2no,3)C/o of 50,000L tank- 3no,4)C/o of 1 Lakh L tank -1 no.5)Providing, laying , jointing of GI pipes including fittings6)Providing at Ullana Distt. Sirmour. - OP00187296

Signed Contract Price: Nigerian Naira 14,694,000.00
Contract Award
24 Jul 2022
Pipe joints , Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work , Pipes , Crates , Pipelaying construction work , Pipes and fittings , Various pipe fittings

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