
World Tenders & Procurement Opportunities

Contract Awarded - Benin - Recrutement d'un consultant individuel pour la mission d'appui à l'archivage électronique des documents du projet ACCESS - OP00185322 --|||-- Recruitment of an individual consultant for the support mission for the electronic archiving of ACCESS project documents

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This tender with title Contract Awarded - Benin - Recrutement d'un consultant individuel pour la mission d'appui à l'archivage électronique des documents du projet ACCESS - OP00185322 --|||-- Recruitment of an individual consultant for the support mission for the electronic archiving of ACCESS project documents --
Signed Contract Price: C.F.A. Franc CFA de la BCEAO 74,400,000
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 30 Jun 2022 for the country of Benin. It has been categorized on Supervision of project and documentation. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Signed Contract Price: C.F.A. Franc CFA de la BCEAO 74,400,000

General Information

Contract Awarded - Benin - Recrutement d'un consultant individuel pour la mission d'appui à l'archivage électronique des documents du projet ACCESS - OP00185322 --|||-- Recruitment of an individual consultant for the support mission for the electronic archiving of ACCESS project documents

Signed Contract Price: C.F.A. Franc CFA de la BCEAO 74,400,000
Contract Award
30 Jun 2022
Supervision of project and documentation

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