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Contract Awarded - Benin - Renouvellement de la convention avec CBO-EPT pour le contrôle citoyen, le suivi de l'organisation des cours de rattrapage et de l'utilisation des dispositifs de lavage des mains - OP00185199 --|||-- Renewal of the agreement with CBO-EPT for citizen control, monitoring of the organization of remedial classes and the use of handwashing devices

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This tender with title Contract Awarded - Benin - Renouvellement de la convention avec CBO-EPT pour le contrôle citoyen, le suivi de l'organisation des cours de rattrapage et de l'utilisation des dispositifs de lavage des mains - OP00185199 --|||-- Renewal of the agreement with CBO-EPT for citizen control, monitoring of the organization of remedial classes and the use of handwashing devices --
Signed Contract Price: XOF 38,146,000
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 30 Jun 2022 for the country of Benin. It has been categorized on Monitoring and control services. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Signed Contract Price: XOF 38,146,000

General Information

Contract Awarded - Benin - Renouvellement de la convention avec CBO-EPT pour le contrôle citoyen, le suivi de l'organisation des cours de rattrapage et de l'utilisation des dispositifs de lavage des mains - OP00185199 --|||-- Renewal of the agreement with CBO-EPT for citizen control, monitoring of the organization of remedial classes and the use of handwashing devices

Signed Contract Price: XOF 38,146,000
Contract Award
30 Jun 2022
Monitoring and control services

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