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Hệ thống thoát nước, thảm nhựa, chiếu sáng đường Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm, Ngô Thì Nhậm

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This tender with title Hệ thống thoát nước, thảm nhựa, chiếu sáng đường Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm, Ngô Thì Nhậm -- Drainage system, plastic carpet, lighting on Nguyen Binh Khiem and Ngo Thi Nham streets has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 29 Jun 2022 for the country of Vietnam. It has been categorized on Street-lighting equipment & Drainage system. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Drainage system, plastic carpet, lighting on Nguyen Binh Khiem and Ngo Thi Nham streets

General Information

Hệ thống thoát nước, thảm nhựa, chiếu sáng đường Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm, Ngô Thì Nhậm
Drainage system, plastic carpet, lighting on Nguyen Binh Khiem and Ngo Thi Nham streets
Invitation for Bids
20220651773 - 00
29 Jun 2022
5 Jul 2022
Street-lighting equipment , Drainage system

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