
World Tenders & Procurement Opportunities

Se solicita la compra de: Estantería Metálica Reforzada mínimo 4 Niveles - 2x2x60 m Sistema de almacenaje metálico totalmente encastrable, con estantes refoCantidad de estantes: 4 Sin puerta Medida: 2

World Biggest Tenders Source

This tender with title Se solicita la compra de: Estantería Metálica Reforzada mínimo 4 Niveles - 2x2x60 m Sistema de almacenaje metálico totalmente encastrable, con estantes refoCantidad de estantes: 4 Sin puerta Medida: 2 -- The purchase is requested of: Reinforced Metal Shelving minimum 4 Levels - 2x2x60 m Totally built-in metal storage system, with reforated shelvesNumber of shelves: 4 Without doorMeasurement: 2 has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 29 Jun 2022 for the country of Uruguay . It has been categorized on Armoured or reinforced doors & Office shelving & Archive shelving. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

The purchase is requested of: Reinforced Metal Shelving minimum 4 Levels - 2x2x60 m Totally built-in metal storage system, with reforated shelvesNumber of shelves: 4 Without doorMeasurement: 2

General Information

Se solicita la compra de: Estantería Metálica Reforzada mínimo 4 Niveles - 2x2x60 m Sistema de almacenaje metálico totalmente encastrable, con estantes refoCantidad de estantes: 4 Sin puerta Medida: 2
The purchase is requested of: Reinforced Metal Shelving minimum 4 Levels - 2x2x60 m Totally built-in metal storage system, with reforated shelvesNumber of shelves: 4 Without doorMeasurement: 2
Invitation to Tender
29 Jun 2022
4 Jul 2022
Armoured or reinforced doors , Office shelving , Archive shelving

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No. 12, 1 st floor, Block B2, EGS Business Park, World Trade Center, Bakirkoy - Istanbul - Turkey
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