
World Tenders & Procurement Opportunities

Contract Awarded - Tunisia - Consultants pour la maîtrise d'œuvre des travaux des PPI du gouvernorat Béja (comprenant les études détaillées si nécessaire, suivies de la supervision des travaux et collecte de données pour la mise en place d'un SIG) pour PPI Djebba, Medjez El Bab et Te - OP00184190 --|||-- Consultants for the project management of PPI works in the Béja governorate (including detailed studies if necessary, followed by works supervision and data collection for the establishment of a GIS) for PPI Djebba, Medjez El Bab and You

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This tender with title Contract Awarded - Tunisia - Consultants pour la maîtrise d'œuvre des travaux des PPI du gouvernorat Béja (comprenant les études détaillées si nécessaire, suivies de la supervision des travaux et collecte de données pour la mise en place d'un SIG) pour PPI Djebba, Medjez El Bab et Te - OP00184190 --|||-- Consultants for the project management of PPI works in the Béja governorate (including detailed studies if necessary, followed by works supervision and data collection for the establishment of a GIS) for PPI Djebba, Medjez El Bab and You --
Signed Contract Price: TND 3,792,900.000
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 19 Jun 2022 for the country of Tunisia. It has been categorized on Business and management consultancy and related services & Data collection and collation services & Project-supervision services other than for construction work & Construction project management services & IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support & Supervision of project and documentation & Construction supervision services & Project-management services other than for construction work. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Signed Contract Price: TND 3,792,900.000

General Information

Contract Awarded - Tunisia - Consultants pour la maîtrise d'œuvre des travaux des PPI du gouvernorat Béja (comprenant les études détaillées si nécessaire, suivies de la supervision des travaux et collecte de données pour la mise en place d'un SIG) pour PPI Djebba, Medjez El Bab et Te - OP00184190 --|||-- Consultants for the project management of PPI works in the Béja governorate (including detailed studies if necessary, followed by works supervision and data collection for the establishment of a GIS) for PPI Djebba, Medjez El Bab and You

Signed Contract Price: TND 3,792,900.000
Contract Award
19 Jun 2022
Business and management consultancy and related services , Data collection and collation services , Project-supervision services other than for construction work , Construction project management services , IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support , Supervision of project and documentation , Construction supervision services , Project-management services other than for construction work

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