
World Tenders & Procurement Opportunities

Contract Awarded - Benin - Recrutement d'un consultant individuel pour l'élaboration du manuel de relation entreprise (stratégie de partenariat et de placement des bénéficiaires en entreprise) et formations des ULPE et CE - OP00183743 --|||-- Recruitment of an individual consultant for the development of the business relationship manual (partnership strategy and placement of beneficiaries in business) and training of ULPEs and CEs

World Biggest Tenders Source

This tender with title Contract Awarded - Benin - Recrutement d'un consultant individuel pour l'élaboration du manuel de relation entreprise (stratégie de partenariat et de placement des bénéficiaires en entreprise) et formations des ULPE et CE - OP00183743 --|||-- Recruitment of an individual consultant for the development of the business relationship manual (partnership strategy and placement of beneficiaries in business) and training of ULPEs and CEs -- Signed Contract Price: C.F.A. Franc CFA de la BCEAO 13,782,400 has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 15 Jun 2022 for the country of Benin. It has been categorized on Business development consultancy services & Business and management consultancy and related services & Education and training services & Business and management consultancy services. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Signed Contract Price: C.F.A. Franc CFA de la BCEAO 13,782,400

General Information

Contract Awarded - Benin - Recrutement d'un consultant individuel pour l'élaboration du manuel de relation entreprise (stratégie de partenariat et de placement des bénéficiaires en entreprise) et formations des ULPE et CE - OP00183743 --|||-- Recruitment of an individual consultant for the development of the business relationship manual (partnership strategy and placement of beneficiaries in business) and training of ULPEs and CEs
Signed Contract Price: C.F.A. Franc CFA de la BCEAO 13,782,400
Contract Award
15 Jun 2022
Business development consultancy services , Business and management consultancy and related services , Education and training services , Business and management consultancy services

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